Full control over your digital assets

Use threshold cryptographic tools that power user sovereignty on the blockchain.
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Threshold Staking

Stakers escrow T tokens to run a node on the Threshold Network and earn rewards.
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Provide Liquidity

Liquidity providers earn yields by depositing assets into liquidity pools.

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Bridge BTC to Ethereum

tBTC is Threshold’s decentralized bridge to bring BTC to the Ethereum network.

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Token Holder DAO

Make the most of your T tokens on the Threshold Network by participating in DAO governance.
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Do you own KEEP or NU?

Keep and NuCypher merged to form the Threshold Network. Migrate your tokens to T!

Getting Started

Harness the power of Threshold

Threshold leverages threshold cryptography to protect digital assets by distributing operations across independent parties, requiring some threshold number of them (t-of-n) to cooperate.


Threshold utilizes a network of independent nodes to provide threshold cryptographic services without a central authority.


Splitting cryptographic operations across nodes increases security and availability and reduces trust assumptions. Threshold is audited by the best firms in the space.


Cryptographic protocols eradicate the trust burden forced on end-users and ensure privacy on the public blockchain.

Getting Started

Threshold is run by an 
active community.

The Threshold DAO is a decentralized community of T token holders and their delegates who collectively vote to decide what's next for the network.
Current Proposals

Interim Era Incentive Schemes: (1) One-off Migration+Stake Bonus & (2) Ongoing Stable Yield

Apr 2022 · arj

These two incentive schemes will be put to the token-holder DAO for approval. ****** *(1) One-off Migration & Stake Bonus* All stakers who – (a) begin staking (b) correctly configure their Proxy Re-Encryption operator node (c) set a governance delegatee address **prior to May 15th** (originally April 30th) and (d) continue to stake and operate a PRE operator node through the launch of Threshold’s full applications (including the tBTCv2 bridge) – will be distributed a special token bonus, equivalent to a **2.5%** growth in their stake size. This bonus intended to motivate further upgrading of KEEP/NU into T, and putting that T to use. Following the principles of the stable yield mechanism, the number of tokens issued for the bonus will be calculated based on the average staking rate. For example, if the average staking rate is 33%, then generating a 2.5% yield for all stakes requires the Council to distribute 82.5m T as the one-off bonus sum. Note that all rewards, including the bonus, will accrue to staker addresses on-chain but will be inaccessible until the launch of full apps on Threshold, at which point it can be withdrawn. To qualify for the bonus, your stake and operator node must remain active until then. If you stop your operator node or withdraw your stake, you forfeit the bonus. A reminder that the future *stake* unbonding duration will be on a per-app basis and governable, but the default universal minimum will be around 2 or 3 months. ****** *(2) Ongoing Stable Yield* From **May 16th** onwards, reward amounts will be based on the duration you are staked and reliably operating a PRE node. The target annual *yield* will be **15%.** For example, a staker who starts staking on June 15th would see their stake grow by (15/365 * 15% = 0.62%) in the 15 days up until June 30th. The nominal inflation rate and monthly issuance figure will again be dependent on the average staking rate. ****** These two incentive schemes are only at the proposal stage – they still need to be validated via DAO governance. To give stakers an opportunity to migrate and properly delegate their voting power, the target for commencing an on-chain vote for this proposal is May 1st, so make sure you've migrated and delegated by then.
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Proposal: Hire a Director of Research

Apr 2022 · jakelynch

# Context Staying up to date with developments in DeFi and the broader crypto ecosystem is difficult, but essential for us to manage our treasury effectively. Rather than rely upon a best-guesses approach, we should leverage our treasury resources to approach our research systematically and deliberately. # Proposal I propose that we hire [unicorndroppingz](https://twitter.com/startup_comic) (aka Unicorn) to design and direct a research program for the Treasury Guild. ## Why Unicorn? Unicorn has demonstrated his expertise in this area and currently works for FreeRossDAO in a similar capacity. We have had Unicorn present to the Treasury Guild before and it is my opinion that Unicorn is extremely qualified for this position. The general sentiment of the treasury guild seems to support this conclusion: ![image|375x500](upload://nNIITLg3BFb7I4rdxQvm1yQ5h2n.png) [Link](https://discord.com/channels/866378471868727316/871855949785206814/949072145315684392) ## What is involved in the Director of Research role? Rather than pay several people full time to provide research for the DAO, it makes more sense to have a part-time director help us leverage the personnel resources we already have (many active treasury guild members) by directing them to research certain areas. The Director of Research will be responsible for organizing a research program that will address our immediate and long term goals, specifically and in order of importance: 1. Treasury diversification according to the plan put forth by CouchPusher’s and maintained by the Treasury Guild. 2. Ensuring liquidity needs are met for the T token and all other tokens that support the Threshold ecosystem (tBTC, thUSD, etc.). 3. Investing treasury assets, fostering growth in the Threshold ecosystem, and achieving a (positive) cash flow generating portfolio in excess of inflation. The director's position will involve: - Creating and maintaining a list of topics to actively research that the treasury guild members will be assigned to provide reports on. - This list should include directed questions wherever possible to help maximize results. - Wherever not possible, a general “exploration” tag should be applied. - Aggregating results and presenting reports on a monthly basis to a community-wide call. - Maintaining a list of their own hours for compensation. - Creating plans for execution and treasury management, specifically relating to diversification of the treasury as well as payback of the treasury's loan. ## How much should we pay? **Rate:** A rate of $300 per hour paid in T, which is comparable to what FreeRoss DAO is paying Unicorn. [Source](https://snapshot.org/#/freerossdao.eth/proposal/0x139f29b50eedd5a0fd379a6ea9f9f49c4b6e46b7202576579a77c10b1fb2bcf3). **Time:** 5 hr per week **Calculated:** Price is marked to the price of T every Friday according to CoinGecko and paid out every 4 weeks. Hours should not exceed an average of 5 hrs per week in any given 4 week period but may be lumped together in a given 4 week period. Example: | Week | Hours | | --- | --- | | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 10 | | 2 | 5 | | 3 | 5 | This equates $1500 per week for 5 hours a week. ## When do we reevaluate this contract? We will re-evaluate this contract 3 months from when it is provided ex: If it is agreed on April 20th, it will be reevaluated on July 20th) ## Who is responsible? The treasury guild will be responsible for: - Evaluating progress and performance - Pursuing research initiatives - Issuing payments For efficiency and accountability, we should have two volunteers from the Treasury Guild to serve as the primary owners for this task. The Director of Research will be responsible for: - Communicating plan to diversify DAO via DCA or other methodologies in first month - Direct research efforts via a systematic method - Keeping track of and reporting hours - Attending weekly treasury guild calls and providing inputs / any updates - Sharing findings and research with community once a month **If there are no objections, I propose we move this vote to snapshot by the end of week - Friday April 15th, 2022.**
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Proposal: Request for 50k in inital funds for the Marketing Guild Committee

Mar 2022 · ZeroInFo56

**Summary:** Request for MGC initial funding of $50,000 in discretionary funds. We request that $50,000 in T be allocated to the Marketing Guild Committee from the Threshold treasury, for use in marketing efforts and contributor compensation. **How the funds will be used:** These funds will be used to reward contributors and fund campaigns. The funds will be managed under a new multi-sig (**[as outlined here](https://forum.threshold.network/t/proposal-bootstrap-threshold-dao-guilds/246)**) There is no expectation for the length of time the funds should last - however, the role of the Marketing Guild Committee in this process is to ensure that all allocated funds are spent responsibly and tactfully. A more in-depth budget request will be developed in the near future. Payment to Threshold Marketing Guild contributors will be handled by the MGC going forward, and the original budget of 10k Keep will be terminated. If moved to snapshot, this proposal will run alongside the **[Dao Guilds Bootstrap Proposal](https://forum.threshold.network/t/proposal-bootstrap-threshold-dao-guilds/246/14)**
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