Full control over your digital assets

Use threshold cryptographic tools that power user sovereignty on the blockchain.
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Threshold Staking

Stakers escrow T tokens to run a node on the Threshold Network and earn rewards.
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Provide Liquidity

Liquidity providers earn yields by depositing assets into liquidity pools.

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Bridge BTC to Ethereum

tBTC is Threshold’s decentralized bridge to bring BTC to the Ethereum network.

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Token Holder DAO

Make the most of your T tokens on the Threshold Network by participating in DAO governance.
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Do you own KEEP or NU?

Keep and NuCypher merged to form the Threshold Network. Migrate your tokens to T!

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Harness the power of Threshold

Threshold leverages threshold cryptography to protect digital assets by distributing operations across independent parties, requiring some threshold number of them (t-of-n) to cooperate.


Threshold utilizes a network of independent nodes to provide threshold cryptographic services without a central authority.


Splitting cryptographic operations across nodes increases security and availability and reduces trust assumptions. Threshold is audited by the best firms in the space.


Cryptographic protocols eradicate the trust burden forced on end-users and ensure privacy on the public blockchain.

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Threshold is run by an 
active community.

The Threshold DAO is a decentralized community of T token holders and their delegates who collectively vote to decide what's next for the network.
Current Proposals

Proposal: Begin Incentivizing Liquidity To tBTC v2 Curve Pool

Mar 2022 · LakeLaogai

Prior to the official launch of the tBTC v2 bridge we will need to have a plan to ensure a liquid market. Rather than waiting for launch to figure this out, **I propose that we preemptively direct incentives towards the tBTC v2 Curve pool.** There are two reasons we should do this: 1. As discussed by @mhluongo on **https://discord.com/channels/866378471868727316/935906590802989086/945346106064269322**, to establish a Yearn vault we need to have rewards flowing to the tBTCv2 pool. Ideally, the most efficient approach would be that we simultaneously do this with Yearn on launch. However, given that Matt's experience coordinating this with the yearn team has demonstrated this will be a slow process, we should start the process sooner rather than later. 2. As we learned with the T launch: being prepared for the launch is incredibly important. Unlike with T, we have the opportunity to prepare the liquidity before we open the bridge with the v2 tBTC in circulation right now. Doing this will help us get a head start and help us incentivize the remaining v1 holders to convert the tBTC. **How much?** I suggest that we start incentivizing with 300k T and adjust upwards or downwards based on results after the first epoch. ---- **Links** Curve tBTC Pool with 300 tBTC v1: **https://curve.fi/tbtc** Curve v2 Pool with 0.8 tBTC v2: **https://curve.fi/factory/41**
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Threshold Ambassador Program

Feb 2022 · Mostafa

Hello, Through the Ambassadors Program we will achieve some goals like: -Building a fan base for the project -Spread the word about Threshold in various social media -Spread the word about Threshold in various languages -New content "such as articles, infographics, videos" about Threshold. Program categories: Social media lovers Tasks: Interact with every post from Threshold, create simple content such as “tweet on Twitter, post on Facebook, ..etc.” Content creators Tasks: Create content about Threshold and publish it across platforms, such as “Create an article about the project and publish it via Medium” Regional communities Tasks: Create a local community and publish all updates about Threshold in other languages, such as "Create a local community on Telegram and post the latest updates." Registration and selection process: Interested persons will register through a form, after that the probationary period will begin “for one/two weeks”. During this period, all registered persons will be required to perform certain tasks according to their choice of category. After the probationary period ends, the work will be evaluated and suitable persons will be selected. * This is a simple summary of the idea, more details + funding details will be added later. Please let me know your opinions and suggestions.
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Threshold Network’s participation in Binance Learn & Earn 2.0 campaign

Mar 2022 · Sienna

**Proposal** Threshold Network’s participation in Binance Learn & Earn 2.0 campaign by allocating a minimum budget of US$ 150K worth of $T **Objective** * To educate new users for the Threshold project * To increase token awareness * To engage community engagement **Binance Learn & Earn 2.0 highlights** * Compare with Academy Learn & Earn V1, more focus on education + token awareness (In-depth article & videos) * Direct exposure to our global 40m~ weekly active users with 20+ languages supported * Wider user reach as v2.0 platform is fully integrated with[ Binance.com](https://www.binance.com/en) page * All budget will be distributed to users; Binance provides the service & platform for free. **Timeline & Budget** * First launch - mid March - early April * Min. budget - US$ 150K worth of $T **Workflow** * Project team - With Corp Dev alignment, Project team provide draft article/video to Academy * Binance -Do due-diligence check and see if any content should not mention * Binance Academy team - Digital assets & content creation - Landing page set up - Channel exposure - SEO review and proofread - Publish before confirmation from project team **Reference** Binance Learn & Earn 2.0 deck - [Binance Learn & Earn 2.0 [External].pdf](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X8usORBCbxUJy89KDO8u6Ry0x1ONC4RS/view?usp=sharing)
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