
Threshold is governed by a DAO and is a two-pronged system: the Token Holder DAO and Elected Council. Each of these holds the other accountable, and they each hold separate responsibilities that are embedded in the governance structure.

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Threshold DAO

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GP-028 Threshold Marketing Guild Nominations Election - Epoch 4, 2023

Aug 2023 · Luna5

Hello Threshold community! Following the procedure stated in [GP-11 / TIP-031 ]( regulating the Guild Committee Elections and Nominations, we open the nominations for the elections of the Marketing Guild Committee Members. In this 4th epoch we vote 4 seats. These 4 seats correspond to the members that were elected in [August 2022 elections ]( For a complete review of the elections timelines, number of seats and community members elected, see this [Notion space]( The seats we are voting are currently held by community members: * @MrsNuBooty * @Carusosa * @Will * @JohnPackel We encourage everyone to participate and provide their nominations, any DAO member can be nominated for an upcoming guild committee seat, including self-nominations. Bear in mind that a person who is nominated by another member must confirm their intent to be a candidate. **Focus of our Marketing Guild** The Threshold Marketing Guild is responsible for general Threshold marketing across services, growing our network of contributors, onboarding new members to the Threshold DAO, educating people about the Threshold’s value, services and use cases, and more. Please note that, although the original mission of the TMG is stated above, this guild's committee has been restructured and now the committee members hold the responsibilities stated in [this post]( **Timeline for the Elections** * **August 8th - August 23rd** - Nominations Period * **August 23rd 10 am ET** - Threshold Guild's Candidates Meet & Greet * **August 24th - August 28th** - Snapshot vote * **August 29th - August 31st** - Transition period * **September 1st** - New term starts for the elected members, which will serve 1-year term: September 1st 2023 - August 31st 2024 If you have any questions join us on [Discord]( and ask away!
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TIP-059 Establish a Bug Bounty Program for thUSD

Aug 2023 · Luna5

Dear Threshold Community, As part of our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of security and reliability for the Threshold Network and its associated products, we are proposing the establishment of a public bug bounty program for the [**thUSD product**]( that will be launched soon. This program aims to enhance the security posture of the network by incentivizing security experts to identify and responsibly disclose vulnerabilities. **Background**: Threshold Network has a history of successful audits by multiple third-party firms, as evidenced in the audits published on **[Threshold · About](**. Additionally, thUSD was successfully audited by the Cantina team, where the results are expected to be published soon. However, we believe it is essential to take further steps to fortify the security and reliability of this product. **Proposal Details:** We propose to collaborate again with Immunefi, a renowned web3 bug bounty platform, and our partner for the Threshold and tBTC Bug Bounty Program (see [TIP-041]( and [Immunefi dashboard for Threshold]( This program would actively engage the white hat community in identifying security vulnerabilities within the thUSD product. The program is designed to encourage responsible disclosure, thereby enhancing the security of the network as a whole. The reward structure needs to be designed by a work group of experts, so it will be subject to community and developer feedback, but can be initially expected to lay within this: - Critical: Up to $100,000 in T tokens - High: Up to $10,000 in T tokens - Medium: Up to $1,000 in T tokens - Low: Up to $500 in T tokens It's important to note that these reward amounts are subject to the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the network. In the event that the TVL experiences substantial growth, these amounts can be revisited and potentially increased. **Benefits and Objectives:** 1. **Enhanced Security:** By leveraging the expertise of the white hat community, we aim to identify and address vulnerabilities in a proactive manner, safeguarding user assets and maintaining network integrity (see [Guidelines and Rules]( 2. **Responsible Disclosure:** Encouraging responsible disclosure through the bug bounty program ensures that potential vulnerabilities are reported and addressed before they can be exploited maliciously. 3. **Community Engagement:** The bug bounty program fosters a collaborative environment that aligns with the decentralized ethos of our network, encouraging active participation from community members and developers. **Bug Bounty Program Management:** The DAO contributors, with a special mention for the IG, have accumulated valuable experience through their involvement in the existing [Bug Bounty program for Threshold]( This program encompasses multiple assets within Threshold, as well as the tBTC product. This hands-on engagement has provided insights into the implementation and management of such initiatives. Effective Bug Bounty Program management entails two key challenges: (1) the technical evaluation of bug reports and subsequent bug mitigation strategies, and (2) overseeing the financial allocation of the program, including payments to whitehat participants and Immunefi. To tackle challenge (1), we advocate for the establishment of a committee comprised of technical security experts. This committee's role will encompass the prompt evaluation of reports and the formulation of tailored mitigation measures for the thUSD product. For challenge (2), drawing from our past experiences, we propose that the initial phase of the thUSD program be overseen by the IG. We intend to allocate $100k in T tokens, allowing coverage for various minor incidents or a single major incident. Should these funds be exhausted, the IG will duly request additional funding from the DAO. **Feedback and Approval Process for this Proposal:** We value the input of our community and developers. Before moving this proposal to a snapshot vote, we invite your feedback on the proposed reward amounts, program structure, and any other related aspects. Your insights will contribute to the finalization of this initiative. Please share your thoughts, suggestions, and concerns in response to this proposal. Your feedback can be provided on this forum thread or during community meetings.
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GP-029 Threshold Integrations Guild Nominations Election - Epoch 4, 2023

Aug 2023 · Luna5

Hello Threshold community! Following the procedure stated in [GP-11 / TIP-031 ]( regulating the Guild Committee Elections and Nominations, we open the nominations for the elections of the Integrations Guild Committee Members. In this 4th epoch we vote 3 seats. These 3 seats correspond to the members that were elected in [August 2022 elections ]( For a complete review of the elections timelines, number of seats and community members elected, see this [Notion space]( The seats we are voting are currently held by community members: * @Eastban * @Naxsun * @Vict0r We encourage everyone to participate and provide their nominations, any DAO member can be nominated for an upcoming guild committee seat, including self-nominations. Bear in mind that a person who is nominated by another member must confirm their intent to be a candidate. **Focus of our Integrations Guild** The core mission of the Threshold Integrations Guild is to build successful, synergistic and long-lasting relationships with other protocols, DAOs and external organizations. The TIG has recently [extended their number of seats available]( due to a [expansion in the responsibilities and tasks handled]( For a detailed overview of last semester's activities of the IG you can review [the IG H1, 2023 report.]( **Timeline for the Elections** * **August 8th - August 23rd** - Nominations Period * **August 23rd 10 am ET** - Threshold Guild’s Candidates Meet & Greet * **August 24th - August 28th** - Snapshot vote * **August 29th - August 31st** - Transition period * **September 1st** - New term starts for the elected members, which will serve 1-year term: September 1st 2023 - August 31st 2024 If you have any questions join us on [Discord]( and ask away!
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Threshold Guilds

The Threshold guild system is part of the Threshold DAO. Join a guild to earn and work together with other Threshold DAO members based on your interests and expertise.


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Marketing Guild

This guild markets Threshold, grows network contributors, educates on the value of Threshold, onboards new members to the DAO and more.

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Treasury Guild

This guild manages the Threshold DAO treasury, drafts budgets, proposes financial strategies, and more.

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Integrations Guild

This guild develops DAO to DAO relationships for Threshold and creates partnerships for the network with a current focus on tBTC v2 opportunities.

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