
Threshold is governed by a DAO and is a two-pronged system: the Token Holder DAO and Elected Council. Each of these holds the other accountable, and they each hold separate responsibilities that are embedded in the governance structure.

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Threshold DAO

Total Treasury Holdings


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GP-015 Reduce the Number of Seats on the Treasury Guild from 9 to 7

Aug 2022 · LakeLaogai

**Proposal** The Treasury Guild proposes that the number of Treasury Guild committee seats be changed from 9 to 7. **Background** The Treasury Guild was initially formed by the DAO with nine committee members. During the recent election, there were seven qualified nominees elected. The Treasury Guild feels that seven members is both a sufficient and more optimal number for operations. Rather than create a runoff election to fill the remaining two seats, the Treasury Guild proposes to modify the number of Treasury Guild committee seats from nine to seven. This proposal would reduce the number of signatories on the Threshold multisig from 9 to 7 and reduce the threshold required to sign as well from 5 to 4. **Timeline** **Aug. 24 to Aug. 30** - Discussion Period **Aug. 31 to Sep. 4** - Snapshot Voting Period (contingent on above) **Sep. 5** - Implement Changes (contingent on above)
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GP-021 Increase the number of seats on the Integrations Guild from 5 to 7

Feb 2023 · ZeroInFo56

**Proposal** The Integrations Guild proposes that the number of Integrations Guild committee seats be changed from 5 to 7. **Background** (From @Eastban discord post) "Dear all, As you can see in the forum post we're having a lot of really interesting nominations for our Integrations Guild. I personally know them almost all and would be delighted to work with everyone on the IG. In that regard we’ve been discussing in the IG committee expanding the seats on our guild. IG is absorbing a lot of stuff outside its initial scope of protocol integrations. We’ve been tackling with diverse subjects that otherwise fall through the cracks in the DAO, such as e.g.: - bug bounty program and relationship with Immunify - Subgraph development and grant management - Tokenlists - Discourse implementation - Monitoring for nodes - Tech support for the DAO - Guests for community calls We have great skills to cover these. Irl tech jobs & experience of various of our actual IG committee members makes it comfortable thinking about these wider scopes, but we’re running out of availability and we’re feeling short at hands. We could use more BD oriented people in the IG. More so during this particular phase in our DAO’s life after the long awaited tBTC launch to actively reach out to protocols, establish longterm prosperous relationships with other apps and successfully integrate tBTC expanding its use cases. I therefore want to ask to increase by 2 our current seats (5) to (7)." This proposal would increase the number of signatories on the Threshold multisig from 5 to 7 and increase the threshold required to sign as well from 3 to 4. Timeline Feb 24 to Feb 27 - Discussion Period Feb 27 to Mar 1 - Snapshot Voting Period (contingent on above) Mar 1 - Implement Changes (contingent on above)
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TIP-041: Establish a bug bounty program

Nov 2022 · Mr_T

Threshold Network, and its applications (PRE and tBTCv2), have been audited by multiple third party firms. The audits are published on ( and we understand that a second audit of tBTCv2, with Trail of Bits, will be published soon. However, given the recent launch of tBTCv2's Chaosnet 0 and the upcoming launch of minting in January, it is our responsibility to take further steps to improve the networks' security posture. We propose establishing a public bug bounty on Immunefi (, a popular web3 bug bounty platform. A credible bug bounty program will attract additional security reviews from the white hat community and incentive responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities, which is especially topical given the severity of recent bridge-related security vulnerabilities. We propose an initial schedule below, and request community and developer feedback on the amounts prior to moving this to snapshot: * Critical: Up to $500,000 in T tokens * High: Up to $50,000 in T tokens * Medium: Up to $5,000 in T tokens * Low: Up to $500 in T tokens If tBTCv2 achieves an extremely TVL, these amounts can be revisited and increased.
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Threshold Guilds

The Threshold guild system is part of the Threshold DAO. Join a guild to earn and work together with other Threshold DAO members based on your interests and expertise.


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Marketing Guild

This guild markets Threshold, grows network contributors, educates on the value of Threshold, onboards new members to the DAO and more.

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Treasury Guild

This guild manages the Threshold DAO treasury, drafts budgets, proposes financial strategies, and more.

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Integrations Guild

This guild develops DAO to DAO relationships for Threshold and creates partnerships for the network with a current focus on tBTC v2 opportunities.

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