
Threshold is governed by a DAO and is a three-pronged system: the Token Holder DAO, Staker DAO and Elected Council. Each of these holds the other two accountable, and they each hold separate responsibilities that are embedded in the governance structure.

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Threshold DAO

Total Treasury Holdings


Parts of the DAO




Staker DAO Addresses


Token Holder DAO Addresses

Staker DAO Delegation

Members of the Staker DAO are exclusively stakers. Get started below voting on staker proposals.

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Total Delegated

2,000,000 T


Out of 100,000,000



Proposals for Threshold Marketing Guild Committee Consideration

Apr 2022 · MrsNuBooty

This will be a running thread of Threshold Marketing Guild proposals that have been elevated by at least one member of the Threshold Marketing Guild Committee(TMGC). If you have a marketing proposal for the TMGC to consider please start by posting it in the #Marketing-Guild channel on the Threshold Discord. In order for a proposal to move to the forum a member of the committee will need to nominate your proposal and move it onto the forum. Once on the forum the proposal will be considered and voted on by the TMGC at the following week’s meeting. The TMGC will then notify the proposal author of the outcome of the vote by recording it on the Threshold forum. If you have questions on this process please join us on Discord:
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Interim Era Incentive Schemes: (1) One-off Migration+Stake Bonus & (2) Ongoing Stable Yield

Apr 2022 · arj

These two incentive schemes will be put to the token-holder DAO for approval. ****** *(1) One-off Migration & Stake Bonus* All stakers who – (a) begin staking (b) correctly configure their Proxy Re-Encryption operator node (c) set a governance delegatee address **prior to May 15th** (originally April 30th) and (d) continue to stake and operate a PRE operator node through the launch of Threshold’s full applications (including the tBTCv2 bridge) – will be distributed a special token bonus, equivalent to a **2.5%** growth in their stake size. This bonus intended to motivate further upgrading of KEEP/NU into T, and putting that T to use. Following the principles of the stable yield mechanism, the number of tokens issued for the bonus will be calculated based on the average staking rate. For example, if the average staking rate is 33%, then generating a 2.5% yield for all stakes requires the Council to distribute 82.5m T as the one-off bonus sum. Note that all rewards, including the bonus, will accrue to staker addresses on-chain but will be inaccessible until the launch of full apps on Threshold, at which point it can be withdrawn. To qualify for the bonus, your stake and operator node must remain active until then. If you stop your operator node or withdraw your stake, you forfeit the bonus. A reminder that the future *stake* unbonding duration will be on a per-app basis and governable, but the default universal minimum will be around 2 or 3 months. ****** *(2) Ongoing Stable Yield* From **May 16th** onwards, reward amounts will be based on the duration you are staked and reliably operating a PRE node. The target annual *yield* will be **15%.** For example, a staker who starts staking on June 15th would see their stake grow by (15/365 * 15% = 0.62%) in the 15 days up until June 30th. The nominal inflation rate and monthly issuance figure will again be dependent on the average staking rate. ****** These two incentive schemes are only at the proposal stage – they still need to be validated via DAO governance. To give stakers an opportunity to migrate and properly delegate their voting power, the target for commencing an on-chain vote for this proposal is May 1st, so make sure you've migrated and delegated by then.
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TIP-21 Proposal: Discretionary Funding for the Integrations Guild

Apr 2022 · CouchPusher

# **Executive Summary** The Threshold Integrations Guild (“IG”) is requesting initial discretionary funding of USD$40,000 (“Initial Funding”) from the Threshold Treasury. Specifically, IG committee members are requesting an **Initial Funding of 319,838 $T tokens**, **based on trailing 30D VWAP of $0.1251 as of 4/19/22 (via [CoinMarketCap](,** that will be primarily used for: * DAO2DAO/protocol integration efforts * Compensation for IG non committee contributors * Daily operational and DAO tooling efforts (i.e. Notion website) * Miscellaneous tech support and mod group activities * Reimbursement to council members for gas fees related to executing multi-sigs and other operational activities * Other USD denominated expense reimbursement # **Integrations Guild Goals / Missions** The goal of the Integrations Guild is to finalize and launch Thresholds’ flagship products as well as the integration of these products on various L1 and L2 protocols within DeFi: * tBTC v2 * Proxy Re-Encryption (“PRE”) * Community-led thUSD stablecoin As a newly formed protocol, Threshold will benefit from collaboration and partnerships with various DAOs and protocols, which may initially require token incentivization or swaps with various counterparties using $T. # Use of Proceeds The Initial Funding will be managed under a newly formed IG multi-sig as proposed by the DAO’s Bootstrap proposal ([**2/28/22**](, and will be allocated towards IG goals listed above as well as any discretionary incentives from partnerships/relationships focused activities that may fall outside of initial IG scope. # Expiry / Timing of Initial Funding Spend There will be neither an expiry on the allocation spend nor an estimate of when the funds will be spent, but the IG ensures that these funds will be prudently and responsibly allocated towards activities that are consistent with its focus on strategy, partnerships and protocol stewardship.
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Threshold Guilds

The Threshold guild system is part of the Threshold DAO. Join a guild to earn and work together with other Threshold DAO members based on your interests and expertise.


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Marketing Guild

This guild markets Threshold, grows network contributors, educates on the value of Threshold, onboards new members to the DAO and more.

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Treasury Guild

This guild manages the Threshold DAO treasury, drafts budgets, proposes financial strategies, and more.

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Integrations Guild

This guild develops DAO to DAO relationships for Threshold and creates partnerships for the network with a current focus on tBTC v2 opportunities.

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