
Threshold is governed by a DAO and is a two-pronged system: the Token Holder DAO and Elected Council. Each of these holds the other accountable, and they each hold separate responsibilities that are embedded in the governance structure.

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GP-029 Threshold Integrations Guild Nominations Election - Epoch 4, 2023

Aug 2023 · Luna5

Hello Threshold community! Following the procedure stated in [GP-11 / TIP-031 ]( regulating the Guild Committee Elections and Nominations, we open the nominations for the elections of the Integrations Guild Committee Members. In this 4th epoch we vote 3 seats. These 3 seats correspond to the members that were elected in [August 2022 elections ]( For a complete review of the elections timelines, number of seats and community members elected, see this [Notion space]( The seats we are voting are currently held by community members: * @Eastban * @Naxsun * @Vict0r We encourage everyone to participate and provide their nominations, any DAO member can be nominated for an upcoming guild committee seat, including self-nominations. Bear in mind that a person who is nominated by another member must confirm their intent to be a candidate. **Focus of our Integrations Guild** The core mission of the Threshold Integrations Guild is to build successful, synergistic and long-lasting relationships with other protocols, DAOs and external organizations. The TIG has recently [extended their number of seats available]( due to a [expansion in the responsibilities and tasks handled]( For a detailed overview of last semester's activities of the IG you can review [the IG H1, 2023 report.]( **Timeline for the Elections** * **August 8th - August 23rd** - Nominations Period * **August 23rd 10 am ET** - Threshold Guild’s Candidates Meet & Greet * **August 24th - August 28th** - Snapshot vote * **August 29th - August 31st** - Transition period * **September 1st** - New term starts for the elected members, which will serve 1-year term: September 1st 2023 - August 31st 2024 If you have any questions join us on [Discord]( and ask away!
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TIP 55: Contractor role for POL Operations Coordinator

Jul 2023 · Eastban

## Vote Type Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 7-day vote period. ## DAO-elected Sponsors @ben @JohnPackel @Sap @jakelynch ## Timeline * 7 days for comment / discussion on this proposal * Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 7-day vote period ## Definitions ### Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) Assets owned and controlled by the DAO that are used to provide liquidity. ## Purpose This proposal is a request to the Threshold DAO to fund a POL Operations Coordinator role for the purpose of overseeing all operations for the DAO’s Protocol Owned Liquidity. This proposal recommends East as a candidate for the position. ## Motivation Threshold Treasury Guild has become an important working unit in the DAO. The guild was created and empowered by the DAO to work towards a strong, diversified and resilient treasury portfolio, to grow protocol owned liquidity, and to manage incentives for Threshold services and products.. Management of these activities requires heavy involvement of the guild’s committee members. The successful launch of tBTC, new exciting proposals, and the DAO’s expansion to L2s and other chains creates a persistent workload for the TTG. It is obvious that specialized roles with more time allocation are necessary. Roles such as Growth Lead (Incentives and Expansion) , POL Operations, Chairman (Meetings, Agenda, Moderation, Structure) and Finances (Accounting, Report, Payroll) are evident posts. In practical terms this means that the TTG will continue to provide the strategy and oversight for the treasury with its 9 seated committee multisig as the core security mechanism empowered by the DAO. The POL Operations Coordinator specialized role has the intention to increase TTG’s bandwidth by focusing on the following areas: **1. POL management** The DAO’s Protocol Owned Liquidity primarily consists of its governance token, T. This POL is deployed across several pools on Mainnet like the Curve T/ETH pool and the Balancer T/ETH 80-20 pool. The DAO recently increased the number of tBTC pools across multiple DEXs on L2s with active incentives deployed to several. In addition to tBTC, the T token’s presence expanded to L2. Past and current diversification efforts and reward harvest increased the number of other assets in DAOs treasury, such as CVX, BAL, ETH, tBTC, WBTC, CRV, AURA, etc. All of these assets require a constant overview and active management. **2. Budget Overview and Execution** The Threshold Treasury Guild’s Budget has evolved and includes multiple line items (incentives, comps, expenses, allocations for diversification, etc.) that need management. The operations involved are rather complex to follow, require significant attention, coordination and collaboration with other specialized roles to ensure proper execution. **3. Successful Multisig Operations** Contracts, dApps, POL, diversification efforts and Budget require multiple constant multisig transactions which need to be addressed in a timely fashion. These operations call for knowledge of protocols and dApps, and should be reinforced with the occasional coordination with other expert members of the DAO. ## Scope The scope of this role will be a 20-hour/week POL Operations role at Threshold DAO, remunerated at the DAO’s contractor rate of $85/h. The position will have the following responsibilities: * Assist DAO decision-making to deploy POL * Track POL assets allocation * Monitor yield on existing POL * Research new alternatives for POL * Analyze diversification alternatives * Work on UniV3 (e.g. Arrakis, Sense) * Research and test Limit Order capabilities for the DAO (e.g. CowSwap, 1inch) * Discuss and setup T to ETH transactions * Collaborate on the preparation and execution of new initiatives (e.g. Bonds, 8020 pools) * Track and set up Harvest rewards and loan repayment transactions * Track Voting Power, governance token assets and allocation * Vote with delegated governance tokens on behalf of the DAO * Budget preparation, discussion and ratification with TTG * Budget analysis and tracking * Research new software tools and dApps for multisig optimization * Analyze contracts codes and build JSONs to further automate transactions * Collaborate and coordinate with TTG and Council on diverse multisig transactions ## Oversight & Review The POL Operations Coordinator role will operate under the oversight of the Threshold Treasury Guild (TTG) and execute on decisions made by the TTG. The position and performance will be reviewed on a quarterly basis by the TTG, upon delivery of a self-evaluation to the committee. The performance of this position will be determined based on committee review of a self reported quarterly summary of work achieved, based on the scope listed above. ### Key areas of assessment will be: * POL overview report * Budget review and oversight * Diversification summary ## Recommendation Recommendation is that Threshold DAO contracts with East for a 6-month renewable period working 20 hours/week at a rate of $85 USD per hour, starting August 2023. ### Background With a track record of launching and developing Guilds and their strategies, East has demonstrated the necessary motivation, capability, and experience in this role. He has past experience in business management and development, product launches, and board of director roles. East is an active contributor to Threshold, past contributor to Keep Network and other DAOs such as Taho, and has thus far contributed the following to Threshold DAO: * Former elected member of Threshold Council. * Elected member of Threshold Treasury Guild since inception. * Elected member of Threshold Integrations Guild since inception. * Delivered Threshold Treasury Guild reports to the DAO several times. * active engagement on current multisig transactions deployment. * Elaborated TTG’s budget on several occasions. * Participated in numerous integrations such as Arrakis, Curve and Aura.
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TIP 52: Contractor role for DAO Growth Coordinator

Jul 2023 · sap

## Vote Type Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 7-day vote period. ## DAO-elected Sponsors @ben @JohnPackel @Eastban @Vict0r ## Timeline * 7 days for comment / discussion on this proposal * Token holder DAO Snapshot with a 7-day vote period ## Purpose This proposal is a request to the Threshold DAO to fund a Growth Coordinator role for the purpose of growing the adoption of Threshold projects. This proposal recommends Sap as the candidate for this role. Sap’s current roles on the Integrations Guild and Treasury Guild uniquely position them at the core intersection of Threshold Growth - ecosystem relationships and DAO finances. The purpose of this proposal is not to replace current initiatives of the community, rather, to augment and support them. ## Motivation With the successful launch of tBTC, and the upcoming launch of the thUSD and TACo products, the timing has never been better to grow tBTC usability and adoption. For this reason, a concerted business development effort has never been more appropriate. The intention of this role is to increase DAO bandwidth in the following areas: **1. Liquidity Strategy** The DAO has recently massively increased the number of tBTC pools across multiple DEXs on EVM L2s, with Solana and Base to follow shortly. In addition, the T token itself is required on L2s in order to incentivize key pools. thUSD is approaching launch, at which point a similar strategy will be required. The deployment, management of associated relationships, liquidity incentivization and performance reporting for the numerous pools require significant attention and coordination. **2. Ecosystem Integrations** Diverse use cases for tBTC and Threshold products are required to drive adoption, although relationship development takes time. Currently, the attention of the Integrations Guild is divided between essential DAO operational tasks and outreach, and would benefit from a dedicated position to manage relationships. **3. Documentation and UX** As we scale and our product user base grows, documentation related to tBTC use cases and deployment options becomes increasingly important. Those involved on the front line of protocol integrations are well positioned to create documentation of this nature and to participate in DAO efforts to deploy UX improvements, such as a tBTC use cases dashboard. ## Scope The scope of this role will be a 30-hour/week Growth Lead role at Threshold DAO, remunerated at the DAO’s contractor rate of $85/h. The position will have the following responsibilities: **Liquidity Strategy** * Manage tBTC pool and incentives deployment across new chains. * Collaborate with DEX launch partners. * Deploy, monitor and report liquidity incentives and performance. * Manage T token deployment across multiple chains. * Establish an incentives budget and ratify it with the Treasury Guild. * Assist DAO decision-making to deploy pools and POL. * Develop and deploy a thUSD liquidity strategy. **Ecosystem Integrations** * Create new relationships and opportunities for the Threshold product suite. * Lead protocol onboarding of Threshold products. * Coordinate with the Marketing Guild to amplify and promote new integrations. * Manage and maintain ecosystem relationships. * Write outbound governance proposals for key tBTC integrations. * Sponsor and support interested protocols to seek partnerships via the forum. * Collaborate with the Marketing Guild to amplify integration efforts. **Documentation and UX** * Collect and maintain a list of live tBTC integrations and pools. * Write documentation to collate key DAO metadata, integrations and pools. * Support DAO UX improvement initiatives, such as tBTC integration's public dashboard. * Update and maintain tBTC, thUSD and T token registries and lists. ## Oversight & Review The Growth Coordinator role will operate under the oversight of the Threshold Treasury Guild (TTG). The position and performance will be reviewed on a quarterly basis by the TTG, upon delivery of a self-evaluation to the committee. ## KPIs It was determined that volume-based KPI metrics don’t necessarily align to ideal DAO outcomes. Quality relationships are preferred over a quantity of low-value relationships, and governance cycles differ from protocol to protocol. Therefore, the performance of this position will be determined based on committee review of a self reported quarterly summary of work achieved, based on the scope listed above. Key areas of assessment will be: * Successful deployment of tBTC liquidity across new chains. * Successful bridging of T token to new chains. * Successful deployment of T incentives to key pools. * Weekly liquidity and incentives performance reporting to Threshold Treasury Guild. * Proactive, quality, relationship development. * Ongoing relationship and integration management with DAO partners. * Coordination between DAO guilds and other growth initiatives. ## Recommendation We recommend that Threshold DAO contract with Sap for a 6-month renewable period working 30 hours/week at a rate of $85 USD per hour. Sap will waive their current compensation for the Integrations Guild and Treasury Guild but will maintain their seat on both committees. ### Why Sap Sap has demonstrated the required motivation, capacity and experience to deliver excellent results in this role, as demonstrated by the development of the L2 liquidity and incentives strategy. Sap actively participates in the Threshold community, operations and governance and is a trusted member of the DAO. Sap has several years’ experience in project management and business development from their time in the industry. Furthermore, Sap’s DeFi expertise lends sufficient technical literacy to communicate clearly with potential partners. Sap has soft skills, such as communication, project management, and creative problem-solving, that allow them to work independently and effectively. Sap is an active contributor to Threshold and has thus far contributed the following to Threshold DAO: * Elected member of Threshold Council. * Elected member of Threshold Treasury Guild. * Elected member of Threshold Integrations Guild. * Delivered FY22 Threshold DAO financial reconciliation and reporting. * Manages current liquidity incentives deployment. * Reports on tBTC liquidity growth. * Coordinated liquidity strategy between Treasury Guild and ecosystem partners. * Successfully launched tBTC incentives on Balancer and Curve on Optimism and Arbitrum. * Assisted liquidity deployment and incentivisation of DEXs such as Velodrome, Chronos, KyberSwap and QuickSwap. * Responsible for Beefy finance integration. * Participated in integrations such as Arrakis, Gamma and Harvest. * Threshold Guardian.
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Threshold Guilds

The Threshold guild system is part of the Threshold DAO. Join a guild to earn and work together with other Threshold DAO members based on your interests and expertise.


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Marketing Guild

This guild markets Threshold, grows network contributors, educates on the value of Threshold, onboards new members to the DAO and more.

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Treasury Guild

This guild manages the Threshold DAO treasury, drafts budgets, proposes financial strategies, and more.

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Integrations Guild

This guild develops DAO to DAO relationships for Threshold and creates partnerships for the network with a current focus on tBTC v2 opportunities.

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