
Threshold is governed by a DAO and is a three-pronged system: the Token Holder DAO, Staker DAO and Elected Council. Each of these holds the other two accountable, and they each hold separate responsibilities that are embedded in the governance structure.

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Threshold DAO

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Proposal: 12-month Budget for Treasury Guild

May 2022 · jakelynch

Over the past several months we've worked in the open to develop a 12-month budget for the Treasury Guild. This budget can be seen at the link listed below. **This budget is a spend approval - not a spend mandate.** Here is a walkthrough guide for reading it: * When you open the budget you will find three tabs: > 1. "Budget" - a line-by-line and month-to-month breakdown of expenses. > 2. "Assumptions" - contains all variable inputs to the budget. This should serve as a focal point for any discussion. > 3. "Assets" - the treasury's assets updated on May 20th, 2022. * The budget is broken into three high-level categories, respectively: > 1. Liquidity Incentives - which primarily comprise a budget for incentivizing liquidity providers for T LPs, tBTC LPs, and thUSD LPs. Historically, we have used Votium and bribe.crv for this. Going forward we plan to use Paladin's Warden application, which have started testing this week. > 2. Compensation - comprises the stipends for all existing committee members, the Threshold council, and our Director of Research. Additionally we have a budget for the development and audit of thUSD as informed by @ben and @EvandroSaturnino . And lastly, we have budgeted for a Project Manager role, which is currently vacant. > 3. Other - this categories includes a conservative budget for (a) the tbtc coverage pool rewards, (b) conferences and hackathons, (c) treasury diversification, and (d) the repayment of the DAO's T-ETH loan. Let's breakdown 3(c) and 3(d) a little deeper since this is the least obvious: >3(c) -> We plan to diversify the treasury into ~$5m of tBTC and ~$5m of Convex. This is the equivalent of ~2400 ETH worth of each. The purpose of the tBTC purchases is to help build liquidity for our flagship product. The purpose of the Convex purchases is to help direct liquidity towards all of our product offerings. Rather than indicating a schedule, we place this entire expense in the final month of the schedule. However, we intend to do this opportunistically, whenever it is in our best interests. This is a deliberate decision to avoid being front run. >3(d) -> The DAO's T-ETH loan should be paid back so that we can start to accrue the fees and rewards and so that we can avoid any significant IL accruing. For that reason, we have included a monthly payback schedule. More information about the loan can be found in this post: ---- **Note that:** * This does not include revenues as it is purely a spending approval. * Not every line item is an expense! The majority of the spending in this proposal is to diversify the treasury, which should serve to preserve or increase the value of the treasury over time. * With our current protocol-owned-liquidity (that we plan to increase), we will capture a significant share of the liquidity incentives ourselves. * This is marked in USD, however the expenses and the treasury's assets are primarily in T. If there are significant changes (which we define as +/- 50%) to the market value of T the Treasury Guild should consider revising the budget and seeking re-approval. **I propose the following schedule:** * Forum Discussion Started - 2022-05-22 * Forum Discussion Concluded - 2022-05-29 * Snapshot Vote Started - 2022-05-29 * Snapshot Vote Concluded - 2022-06-01
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Proposal: Application for DAO Project Manager

May 2022 · Luna5

**Objective** This proposal is for the Threshold Network DAO to fund the Threshold project manager (PM). I am submitting this proposal after having been invited to attend several DAO meetings, and a meeting sync between the teams. My observations of the current needs from the DAO come from the audits of these meetings plus the insights I obtained by reading the public discord channels and the Threshold Notion. **Environment** This PM role will be developed in the Threshold DAO environment, where there is a strong need for fluent and smooth collaborations and communications between the following entities: * The DAO community. * The Threshold Guilds: Integrations Guild, Marketing Guild, Treasury Guild. * The Keep team. * The NuCypher team. * The thUSD team. **Scope** The role of the PM in this environment would be shaped as a facilitator, where the main pillars in which it would be founded are: visibility and communication. Through visibility, understanding and acknowledgement are achieved. It is necessary to provide an up-to-date single source of truth for the teams and the Guilds, to communicate their lines of work, their resources, their successes and lessons learned. This central knowledge source should be available to consult from any member of the community. Communication processes are needed to keep the community informed about the different initiatives, their progress and successes. Also, mechanisms should be put in place to receive inputs and requests from the community, where new ideas can be included in the line of work, enriching the community (and avoiding losing these insights in the background of the discord channels). It is through communication that effective management is achieved. Keeping track of the different teams’ work in progress will help unblock the problems and interdependencies arising, and mitigate their impact on the different initiatives within Threshold. A document scoping the competencies for the Threshold PM is provided [here]( It’s important to note that the Threshold PM position does not hold a higher hierarchy over any team, being independent from them and reporting this way only to the DAO. As a facilitator role, its focus is to introduce visibility and communication processes. Teams and guilds will continue to be independent and self-sovereign. **My background** I currently work as a Technical Program Manager at a SW development company in the web2 environment, where I’m doing a founding PM job bringing processes and standards to the company’s DevOps department (currently composed of 3 sub-departments, having 3 squads of engineers each) in order to align their ways of work with the company-wide processes. Here I find the usual clashes of agile although very procedural groups (working in sprints and following structured processes), with non-procedural working efforts guided by a kanban-style methodology. A situation similar to the one occurring within the Threshold community. Regarding my studies, I have a Bs and a Ms in Computer Science with major focuses on SW Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and Project Management. I developed my master thesis in Project Management, focused on the study of agile methodologies, analyzing the most popular ones applied to the IT world, procedures and useful guides and tools to manage them. Later on, I got a Google certification as Project Manager. I also have a PhD in cyber security, focused on the protection of the information in Critical Infrastructures. Here, my thesis was oriented from the perspective of Business Analysis, where I studied the main characteristics and needs of complex interconnected legacy systems, in need of preemptive security mechanisms such as Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems and the possible security AI-driven actuators. As part of my work in research, I have participated in many national and international projects that involved coordinating efforts from both academic institutions and different industries. Additionally, I have a deep domain knowledge about the different initiatives being developed in Threshold, and I am especially acquainted with the PRE project and the NuCypher team, since I have a personal relationship with @davidnunez. This allowed me to follow the project since its inception and gain deep knowledge on this particular space. This will reduce the job’s entry barrier and the regular onboarding time period. **Cost** This proposal is for a Project Manager position in the Threshold community. The overall conditions are very similar to the thUSD proposals to the DAO. * Rate $500 USD per day paid in T, USDC and/or ETH. * The T token and ETH price taken as the global average price as recorded on coingecko for the day that the work was completed. * This rate is consistent with the Project Manager allocation in the [current budget proposal]( * Hours reviewed and approved fortnightly. * Tokens transferred monthly. **FAQ** Q: Would you consider reducing the budget? A: A budget reduction would be difficult, however, I would consider starting with a reduced number of hours allocated to the job, and setting a process for progressively increasing the weekly number of hours. Q: When can you start? A: When a vote passes and a review team is selected and approved, I can start contributing part-time. After July 15th, I can start to work full-time. Q: How many days a week can you commit? A: 5 Q: Will your personal relationship to @davidnunez from the NuCypher team impact your ability to work together? A: I don’t think this will be an issue, since the PM work will serve as facilitator among the different teams and groups present in the Threshold community. NuCypher team is just one of the actors present and this position holds no higher hierarchy over any team or guild, being independent from them and reporting only to the DAO. The main tasks needing interfacing with the teams would be roadmap check-ins, status check-ins and communications provided to the teams for visibility (executive summaries, updates and synchronizations).
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Interim Era Incentive Schemes: (1) One-off Migration+Stake Bonus & (2) Ongoing Stable Yield

Apr 2022 · arj

These two incentive schemes will be put to the token-holder DAO for approval. ****** *(1) One-off Migration & Stake Bonus* All stakers who – (a) begin staking (b) correctly configure their Proxy Re-Encryption operator node (c) set a governance delegatee address **prior to May 15th** (originally April 30th) and (d) continue to stake and operate a PRE operator node through the launch of Threshold’s full applications (including the tBTCv2 bridge) – will be distributed a special token bonus, equivalent to a **2.5%** growth in their stake size. This bonus intended to motivate further upgrading of KEEP/NU into T, and putting that T to use. Following the principles of the stable yield mechanism, the number of tokens issued for the bonus will be calculated based on the average staking rate. For example, if the average staking rate is 33%, then generating a 2.5% yield for all stakes requires the Council to distribute 82.5m T as the one-off bonus sum. Note that all rewards, including the bonus, will accrue to staker addresses on-chain but will be inaccessible until the launch of full apps on Threshold, at which point it can be withdrawn. To qualify for the bonus, your stake and operator node must remain active until then. If you stop your operator node or withdraw your stake, you forfeit the bonus. A reminder that the future *stake* unbonding duration will be on a per-app basis and governable, but the default universal minimum will be around 2 or 3 months. ****** *(2) Ongoing Stable Yield* From **May 16th** onwards, reward amounts will be based on the duration you are staked and reliably operating a PRE node. The target annual *yield* will be **15%.** For example, a staker who starts staking on June 15th would see their stake grow by (15/365 * 15% = 0.62%) in the 15 days up until June 30th. The nominal inflation rate and monthly issuance figure will again be dependent on the average staking rate. ****** These two incentive schemes are only at the proposal stage – they still need to be validated via DAO governance. To give stakers an opportunity to migrate and properly delegate their voting power, the target for commencing an on-chain vote for this proposal is May 1st, so make sure you've migrated and delegated by then.
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Threshold Guilds

The Threshold guild system is part of the Threshold DAO. Join a guild to earn and work together with other Threshold DAO members based on your interests and expertise.


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Marketing Guild

This guild markets Threshold, grows network contributors, educates on the value of Threshold, onboards new members to the DAO and more.

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Treasury Guild

This guild manages the Threshold DAO treasury, drafts budgets, proposes financial strategies, and more.

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Integrations Guild

This guild develops DAO to DAO relationships for Threshold and creates partnerships for the network with a current focus on tBTC v2 opportunities.

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